From Belgium LP with Lauren and the band travelled to France, to take part in Cognac Blues Passions Festival on July 08th. This gig turned out to be VERY exciting, not only because of LP’s amazing voice, but because of some very special announcement. But more on that a bit later.
Today’s coverage is courtesy of @whisper8272, here are her impressions of the day. “Before being there, I felt very tense, like before an important exam… willing these hours to be perfect… silly, isn’t it? But once I was in the place, I felt dizzy with joy… free to love”.
“It was very, very hot – even for LP, who was sweating a little bit on stage!! JD arrived with a glass of beer for her and she also drank water. Before that, Brian, Elias and JD did the checking without LP and I enjoyed it very much as they tried some extra music…. all that in a very cool way”.
“A bit later, we heard LP singing small parts of songs while she was “hidden” backstage, so we all screamed her name and applauded, all filled with surprise and pleasure. Then, the gig started with Muddy Waters (see twitter for the list + LP also sung Night like this, that’s not on the setlist)”.
“The whole stuff was natural and sincere… as usual. LP did not loose any occasion to make a good word with us, to thank a fan for her poster, to answer whoever she heard talking to her, to make faces in some funny situations. She was eager to communicate with us, on the look-out for our reactions to her songs and whatever we would shout at her in between the songs”.
“She received her gifts and letters with great pleasure…. no surprise about that. I throw a red ribbon at her for Thightrope which she put around her neck… and I won a wink from her when she put it on her box… my little pleasure…”.
“As I told you bit earlier, after 3 or 4 songs, she said that she & Lauren got engaged the day before…, they became fiancés (she translated it).” And that was THIS incredible announcement. Girls got engaged on the 7th of July, on the occasion of their 2nd anniversary. Here, I would like to congratulate the two of you and wish you all the best in the world! Lots of love and pure happiness. I am very happy for you! ? For those jewellery obsessed as myself, here‘s pic of LP, where you will notice an engagement ring. So happy for them. Really!
More from Whisper: “Lauren danced backstage for the most of the gig, waving back at us, smiling, giving a nod and thanking us. LP introduced Josiah quite quickly to the audience and we could see him dancing with Lauren backstage”.Josiah is currently in Europe and he was at LP’s concert, he even posted few insta-snaps. Very happy to see those two rascals together again!
“To finish Someday, LP came down to see us, to touch our hands and she was welcomed with many screams of pleasure. She pushed her voice to the best all along the gig… as usual. Once again (it’s been my 4th LP concert), I gazed at her not understanding everything about this phenomenon yet”.
“She is always making me feel good, truly and deeply. I’m not going to “land’ on earth from that experience soon, deffinitely not in a next few days!!! And I could tell you, the sky up here is beautifully blue during the day and full of bright stars at night… heavenly light… heavenly nights… (but I’m not going to swallow the moon and the stars)”.
“It seemed clear to me that she felt tired…so many concerts… incredible, unreal, don’t you think ?… but THIS indestructible smile…incredible, unreal, don’t you think?”. Whisper, thank you so much! Yes, she has an incredible smile, that could melt any heart, wheter boy’s or a girl’s.
She has that aura around her, that you feel, like you need to be close to her. Not even talk to her, but just gaze in awe. And I cannot wait to experience that all over again soon! The sooner, the better. Thank you LP for having such ‘soul mate’ fans. Thanks to you, I met some incredible people.
For few official pictures of the concert, click here.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.