I will be posting here all the latest info on LP’s visit to Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Zurich & Brussels; and her promo appearances. It’s an open post, so keep checking for the updates!
♥ PARIS: 8-12 October 2018

- Jean-Paul Gaultier ‘Freak Show’ – LP & Mylene Farmer sang a duet of ‘N’oublie Pas’. Emission via FRance2 TV channel, click here.

- Chérie FM – Interview & Performance of “Lost On You” + “Recovery”.
Video of “Recovery” has been posted here. Backstage interview is here. Another interview is here.

- Le Lab Virgin Radio – interview & performance (Recovery + Lost On You).
Emission, 28th October, 8 pm via Virgin Radio.
Video of the interview can be found here.
- Interview with Greek Radio Pepper 96,6 via phone. Podcast here.
- Musique ! avec Emilie Mazoyer sur Europe 1.
1. Recovery – video here.
2. Lost On You – video here.
3. Interview – Podcast here.

- Taratata LP & Charlie Winston cover of “Time After Time”.
Emission, 27th October via France2 TV channel.
Performance can be found here, behind the scenes video is here.

- RTL France “A La Bonne Heure”
Recovery + quick interview. Video of performance, here.
Full podcast, including interview is here.

- C à vous – live performance via France5tv.
Video can be found here.

- LP was a guest at Grand Studio RTL.
Performance (Lost On You + Recovery) & interview.
Podcast of full programme, including interview can be found here.
Emission was on the 27th October at 14.30 via RTL France.

- LP was guest of Le Drive RTL2.
Interview + “Recovery” & “Sex on Fire” cover by Kings of Leon.
Video of full performance & interview, here.

- LP was guest of RFM Radio.
Interview + performance of “Lost On You”.
There were funny challenges for LP, including singing cover of “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes.
Video of the whole interview & performance can be found here.

♥ Berlin: 13-15 October 2018
So far nothing has been shared. LP only posted an insta-story of her private visit to Dita Von Teese’s burlesque show.
♥ 16 October 2018: Vienna
- Interview by Avia Seeliger for ORF TV, to be released on the 7th December.

- Interview for Radio NJOY 91.3, released as a podcast on SoundCloud on the 28th of November, click here.

♥ Zürich: 17-18 October 2018
- Interview by Céline Werdelis for her Abig-Show at Radio 24 102,8.
It can be found as a podcast, click here. But it’s very short.

- Performance at SRF3 Studio. LP sang “Recovery”, there was a live feed, but only for those in Switzerland.
Currently not released. - Interview for Gay.ch is here.
- Interview for Stage Planet, here.
♥ Brussels 18-20 October 2018
- LP arrived to Brussels late in the afternoon, so on the 18th she only had time for a bit of sightseeing.
- On the 19th October performance and interview for NRJ Belgique & Chérie Belgique. Both unreleased.
Update, video from NRJ Belgique, live session of “Recovery” can be found here.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.