Few months ago, my friends & myself went to Prague for LP’s sold out show at Forum Karlin. Some time before the show, I was able to reach out to LP and ask about the opportunity for a quick meeting & repeating a little bit of magic from our first ‘interview meeting’ that took place a year ago in Ostrava. To my amazment LP has found the time in her crazy schedule, and was very kind to me, again – so the wait has began.

LP & myself at Forum Karlin in Prague, 8th July 2018 // Photo by Sandra
I have wrote about the concert here, but what I didn’t write at that time, were all the details leading up to our meeting. Actually the meeting took place less than an hour before LP’s concert! We’ve had to leave first row and find Talayeh, which wasn’t an easy task – the venue was huge and crowded, since the support has already started playing. BUT, thankfully it all worked out in the end!
My friends, Sandra & Martyna were crucial when it comes to technical support, and all *I* had to do, was to interview LP… Trust me, I was crazy nervous (which I thinks shows…), even more so than in Ostrava, as I really didn’t want to disappoint my readers, and LP as well!!! And, I won’t be writing a lot more. I simply hope that you will enjoy our conversation, and find out a few new things about LP & her upcoming record.
To LP – thank you for everything, for being you, for your kindness, for supporting the blog & what I do – it means the world to me. I really cannot wait for the new record, and hopefully some new tour dates for Europe – Poland including! And for those who are new to my blog, here’s link to my first interview with LP from Ostrava. There’s also a version with Polish subtitles.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.