Today LP already played her final show of this incredible European Summer Tour! I have watched live thanks to LP Gang and cried my eyes out because I couldn’t be there…. But before I will bid a proper goodbye to this tour (tomorrow) here’s summary of the last few days. 3rd of August was supposed to be a free-from-the-show day, but it turned out LP and the band flew back to Italy to perform at a private-birthday party! Can you imagine having LP for your birthday?! Pretty awesome I would say… I’m not posting any pics or videos (there are few) since it was private. 4th of August was free for the band and on the 5th they arrived to France. In the evening LP took part in Chien A Plumes Festival at Langres.
My friend Magali was there to see LP again and she sent me this short report “LP was playing on the main stage. Sur was the main artist yesterday. The setlist has been changed a bit comparing with the previous festivals I attented as LP played ‘Night Like This’ and ‘Switchblade’ – I love so much these 2 songs. I dont know why but I had the feeling To see a “boss” (LP) on the stage. It was LP’s 3rd concert in this landscape. Many fans were on those 3 concerts (Metabief, Colmar, and Langres). It was her last concert in France. Now LP speaks French (only few words, but she speaks well!!!)”. Thanks Magali! I am so happy you could be there and on many other concerts of this tour…
For now, I don’t have too much to share with you, but my other friend, Claire is working on her expressions, so I will update this post tomorrow. UPDATED: as promised here are expressions of the last French show of this tour by Claire Socias of Elle est LP – LP France Official: “I think I have the LP Syndrome… Every time it’s the same thing. I wasn’t supposed to go to that festival, but at the last minute, once again, I shut my reason off and I decide to go. I had no choice XD, my friends were pushing me, it was the last one in France! And as the newest member of the French Fan Club Elle est LP-LP France I had to be there. So, I took my friends to another crazy car trip. Well not really…My dear friend Christine drove us… (Christine you’re the best!)”.
“We arrived at 10 am (yes I know we are crazy), when all the drunk guys were waking up from their long night. At first, it was a little scaring, a real festival atmosphere but we didn’t care. We waited for hours under the sun, and of course, with my eternal luck, I caught a sunstroke… But I didn’t care, I got to see LP at the end of the day. The waiting and the headaches was totally worth it! I heaven get through a singer that I had just to be in the first row. Another LP’s gig. The third in a month… I’m gonna miss all of that!”.
“This moment when the musicians are entering the stage… When my friend Alexandra is making her usual hello to an uncomfortable JD. The usual hello to Mike, Darren and Matt. This moment where I can’t look at Bryan because he impressed me too much. Or when I crossed Elias sweet smile. When the pressure start to get really highhhh. And when muddy waters starts… Like she always does. I got chills every time! And then she is here…. My feet hurts, I was fucking tired but all this fucking shit is erased when she is entering on stage. What can I say.. When I remember it, tears are coming”.
photo courtesy of Socias Claire (@sosbauer) via Instagram |
“That feeling that you are where you belong. In a few months she helped me (and so many people) in so many ways. I have met so many incredible people thanks to her. I don’t care if people think I am crazy, she changes me. I changed my life thanks to her and to her songs. And I am f*** happy now. And God tonight it’s the usual hat and her jean jacket. What a style she’s got! She looks tired, I don’t know how she found this strength. For a year now, she is touring everywhere for us! No break, no time off, nothing. Just to be with us, to share with us. She is amazing, she managed to set this festival on fire!!! Muddy Waters, No witness, High, Up against me, Levitator… All those tremendous songs!! She rocks so much!”.
photo courtesy of Socias Claire (@sosbauer) via Instagram |
“She came to us as usual during “Someday” she signed, shook hands and smiled to us. Of course she forgot me (she always does, it makes me smile every time and cry a bit I admit it). She didn’t speak that much but when she spoke it was in French. She is learning French guys! And what about her musicians! JD, Elias, Bryan. These guys rocks! Gosh, it passed too fast once again… I can’t believe this is over. LP thank you so much for everything. Thanks for this amazing tour! You and all your team are definitely the best! I hope we will see you soon”.
I would also love to quote Sandra, whom I met in London in July, as I think she captured thoughts of many fans. This is something we all felt and experienced, we are forver changed because of that, and very much grateful. @lola_feebs: “LP you’re truly amazing!!! ??? You’ve been on tour for months giving lots of interviews, having concerts almost every night and you’re always there for your fans. ??????”.
“We all wonder how she is doing it? How do you do that, you always have a smile on your face although it is so hectic around you?!? How do you do that, you’re still so relaxed even though it’s so loud around you?!? How do you do that, you are still so friendly even if the people around you are always starting to “pull” you?!? You’re not just a damn good singer and songwriter ( that’s out of the question) you are an inspiring example for me, for us, for all!!! ?????????????????????????? your love, your kindness and your relaxed nature always fascinated me. Please keep your love, relaxed and sometimes a crazy way. I love you soo much ?????? We love you so much?????? In love Your Fan?s ??”.
Tomorrow will be a final post of this incredible tour…. It was one crazy ride, something I could have been a part of… Not 20 concerts like some, only 3… But I do hope for many more in the future… Like in the Fall in UK. Yes, I’ve decided I am taking a plane, again… Only for LP. Only for her. And her band. Sure. LP you are worth so much and then even more… Words cannot describe your awesomness… And I will be trying to support you and your work with this blog as much as I can. I promise you that! PS. Something to cheer you up – CLIQMO posted stunning pics of LP from London gig. Click here. Pics from La Foire Aux Vins can be found here. Also, my interview with LP is still being edited, but I hope it will be a cherry on top of this emotional Summer!!!

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.