Hi to all.
I’ve decided to use my free from work day, to write something on this blog. Frankly I don’t know how to put it into words. I know I want to say something but how to address everything that’s been brewing in my mind for quite some time? Anyway, excuse the chaos that may occur.
Photo courtesy of Julieta GrajalesFirst of all. LP doesn’t owe us any explanations. That’s her life. She knows what’s best for her and who are we to judge. No one knows what goes behind closed doors. I hope that she and Lauren will both find happiness they deserve and that they will put all their emotions into their body of work.
Do I wish things would be handled differently? Perhaps. Not for me, but for all the fans who are sad, confused and even grieve for something beautiful that was lost. But at the same time, again, how to handle things that are so delicate. Perhaps it’s good to draw a big, thick line and separate LP’s private life from what she shares with us musically.
I know she cares about her fans and I hope we all be finally reunited sooner than later.
Covid fucked things up, big time. BUT at the same time it was a perfect time to grow internally. To become a better person. To find out who you really are and what you really care about. For me, personally, it was both amazing and hard. At work I’ve been pushed to my limits but I could finally make changes in the place I’ve been living in for more than 30 years.
I used to share it with my parents and siblings, now it’s only me and my dad’s fishes (I’ve explained it in one of my lives, and I can do another one if you’ll let me know, you need this from me). I’ve finally could invest my money and time into this place that now finally feels like my own.
It now has my soul and it brought me a lot of joy to, for once, take care of myself and my needs. And I hope that you all could also take this time to get a good look into the mirror and asked yourself: who am I, what do I need. It’s important to take care of yourself, no one will do a better job than you yourself.
But let’s get back to LP. Many people wrote to me about the app and the community. Somehow over the years I’ve become a sort of voice of LP fans. And it would be awesome if fan’s requests would be taken under consideration. Fans who’ve been supporting LP for such a long time. But not only.
Fans who often (like myself) would spend all their money to travel and to see their favourite artist. Who took planes though it gave them panic attacks. Fans with depression, who could barely go outside and be around the people, but for LP they were able to push their limits.
You know, I don’t care about lives and such. I just had high hopes that this app would truly become a hub of all things LP. We (I) don’t need another Instagram. To sort through all the spam and mess, it’s become a fucking nightmare for me to use it (Insta) to find interesting info and news.
Instagram became a place for those who create various accounts, put the same things with no credit whatsoever just to get a like and to be noticed. I understand it’s an awesome feeling when your favourite artist notice you and likes your content and even comments on it, just for god’s sake don’t spam. Be unique. Take time and effort to make it worthwile.
Similarly, to sort through posts on app is impossible. I know I won’t be using it when concerts resume to write my posts. Because it’s impossible to find anything there. It would be great if this app would had a team of people who really put some extra images, perhaps demos of songs, songs that were never published officially before?
How awesome would be to hear demo of Lost On You or Night Like This…
You know, to make this place really unique.
I take care of all my social media and website by myself. I write all the content by myself. I find all the info by myself (unless some kind fans share with me if they find something that I missed). It takes a LOT of work and time. So I understand to run an app like that also takes time and effort and money.
BUT I do it all for free. And surely LP has a team that earns their living for doing a promo for LP. So it would be nice to see you make an effort for us. What happened to the ring? We’ve been waiting for it for more than a year. And for me, I’ve been trying to schedule an interview with LP since November.
And LP said yes. But to get in touch with person who I was referred to proved to be impossible. I’ve also asked to be included into press releases. No response as well… Am I really doing such a bad job? Is this blog pointless or helpful? I try to be on top of things always, and a little bit of help would mean a world to me.
Especially that I know how much LP values my work. That’s the most important thing for me. To make it worthwile for LP and for all the LP-fans. To make this place unique, my own, to use my voice. To share my love for LP and her music with all the world. As only love can save us. Do I make any sense? I hope I do.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.