I’ve had a real shit-show of a morning and afternoon, so this post may be all over the place, but please, bear with me.
First, the concert for Dreamstage Live to celebrate the Pride month. What can I say. LP knocked it out of the park. Surprised? No? Me neither. Show was pre-recorded at the Valentine Recording Studios (edit: I think it was in some other studio, will try to verify) in Los Angeles, so the sound was just exquisite.
LP was accompanied by her bassist – Brian and drummer – Neal, and there were two new musicians, keyboard player and guitarist. Even though I’ve never seen them with LP before, and most likely they were just for this show, they did a really good job.
1. When We’re High
2. Girls Go Wild
3. One Last Time
4. How Low Can You Go
5. Goodbye
6. Switchblade
7. Into the Wild
8. Muddy Waters
9. The One That You Love
10. Lost On You
I won’t be writing about each of the songs as you all know my favourites by heart. Again, I would change a setlist and add less obvious choices, but it’s about reaching out to the new audience. And I get it, I really do. BUT if someone could hear me…

Please bring back “One Night In The Sun” or “You Want It All”, and I promise you, they will do even more for LP than the most obvious choices. When it comes to me, LP impacts me the most with her songs that are less playful and happy or up-beat. If you know what I mean.

So today I will take a closer look at “Goodbye” – the upcoming new single (out on 8th July), but we’ve already had a live preview. First at Pride Toronto (yesterday in the evening) and then at Dreamstage (late at night). After hearing it at Pride Toronto in its fullness I knew LP will break me with it.
But I tried not to get it to me. Not yet. Like I’ve said in my post, I’m not ready for that particular goodbye. I’ve listened to it, but I tried really hard not to hear and analyze the words. Not just yet. And then, with Dreamstage performance, something broke in me and tears run down my face.

And I didn’t even try to stop them, I needed them as a sort of katharsis. And let me tell you something. You may not agree with everything, you may feel betrayed (sort of), perhaps you are still healing, BUT – LP speaks best with us through her songs. And whether I over-read the meaning of this song or not, LP is giving us the closure we all need.

I don’t want to write more about this song, not just yet. I want to wait till its official premiere, when we’ll get it along with LP’s words in press release. But I’m leaving you with the official lyrics, as LP in her generousity shared those with us through her Instagram. So, no more guessing. Here, they are.
Btw, after LP ended “Goodbye”, she followed with a “Switchblade”, so you can only imagine how beautiful I looked afterwards. If you weren’t able to watch the concert last night, you can still catch the replay today. LP starts in less than 15 minutes, so hurry. For tickets click here.

And finally, I wanted to address the issue of hate and jealousy – you may not like me, you may not agree with me, you may prefer every other source regarding LP there is. BUT – I always properly credit my sources. AND I will no longer be explaining myself to people who never met me but are happy to spread lies about me, or even call me *cunt* and laugh about it. It is not me who should be ashamed. If you want to teach about ethics, first take a good and long look in the mirror. Period.

To finish my post on a higher note, I will quote Claudia of @lpfamily_germany:
“There’s a reason you’re our Captain LP. You’re a true inspiration for many of us, your music supports, heals and encourages on a daily basis. Even though we couldn’t see you for so many months, it feels like you’re still close by.“

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.