After almost a year, another LP concert (for me) took place at La Madeleine in Brussels on the 4th of May… May the force (4th) be with me. This show set me back in time to London 2017, and that unforgettable unplugged gig at the tiny venue ‘Under The Bridge’. Post from that concert was very intimate to write for me, and so will this one be as well.
I don’t want to bore you with personal details of my life. Let’s just say, the last year was brutal to me. I was struck with such a depression, that honestly I had no idea what was happening with me, I couldn’t make myself to do almost anything. Leaving house was a pure torture. In December, when I was buying tickets to the shows, I was like, surely in May I will finally feel better.
But when February came and I was still laying in bed, unable to do pretty much anything, I was scared that I won’t be able to go to the shows. If I couldn’t make myself to do simple tasks, or go to the shop that’s like 100 m from my home, how on earth would I take a long train, and then a flight? – if you remember I simply ‘love’ flying, lol.
So I decided to try new meds. They finally started to kick in around April, and I was going out more and more, preparing myself for the inevitable. When the 2nd May came, I felt more or less ready to face the challenge, the train ride was smooth, then bright and early on the next day my friends and myself found ourselves at the airport in Warsaw.
It was nerve wracking for me, but thankfully the flight was somewhat smooth, more or less, with few moments of turbulence. But finally I put a safe step on the Brussels soil. The city reminded me a bit of Cracow in my own country, with its building, streets and cobblestones. It was nice, but I was tired as hell from our journey.

photo, me
Since our rooms weren’t ready we decided to sightsee a bit. Let’s just say, looking out to eat a simple breakfast in Brussels was like a challenge for the 3 of us. It took us like 4 hours. Anyway, we ended up seeing quite a bit of the city, including its beatiful Grand Place (lit up in the evening) and a famous statue of Manneken Pis.

photo by Sandra – thank you!
On the very next day, day of the show, we got to the venue to see the line, secure our places and waited to see LP. Of course in the meantime we could still walk a bit, to eat something and so on. At one point, at the second entrance to the venue, I met Mike Del Rio and Crista Ru of the Powers duo. And let me tell you, now I get even more why LP and Mike make such an incredible partner duo.
Mike is incredibly charismatic and warm, with amazing hugs, just as good as LP hugs. You can feel that he really means it, he is so welcoming and thankful for their European experience. Crista is beautiful in person, I mean I saw her on pics and videos, but in reality, her beauty strikes you even more. She is truly cool and talks to you, like you’ve been friends for years – thank you for that!
At 5.30 pm people with VIP tickets entered the venue, we stayed until 7 pm, and the doors were finally opened. Front row was already taken but I managed to get to the second one – almost in the middle of the stage. The stage wasn’t put up very high, but there were barriers securing us from it. I didn’t know what to expect from the opening artist, Powers.
I mean, I knew most of their songs, Just Kids might be my favourite one, but seeing a band for the first time live is always a question mark to be answered. But as soon as they entered the stage and started their show, I knew they’ve had me from the first notes. Their chamistry and playfulness on stage is so amazing, that you cannot take your eyes from them.
I didn’t know where to look at, they are both so damn handsome and play with their guitars as they were born with it in their hands. Their set consisted from about 6 to 7 songs, I’m not sure now. But they did play some of their older stuff, including Heavy, Hot and Loved by You, and also some new songs that aren’t released yet. And I’m really looking forward to seeing them again in Prague!!
Aftert a bit of wait, first notes of Dreamcatcher can be heard, and it finally strikes me. I will see, LP!!!, in person, again. I will hear her voice again. I will be possessed by her music yet again. And as soon as she enters the stage, she owns it like a true Queen only can. It’s hard to describe the feeling she creates. It’s like you ask yourself, will she own me again, will she top herself even more?…
But all the questions are answered very quickly, as soon as I hear her voice and see her on that stage, I know she still has me under her spell, I’m still hers, till the end of time. Seeing her live in concerts will never be enough, it’s the only drug that I cannot resist, and frankly I don’t want to, I’m willing to cave in over and over again. But aren’t we all?
Dreamcatcher is one of my favourite songs from LP’s latest album. It’s the song that is very close to my heart and hearing it finally live is a dream coming true. I’m in love with the sound from the very first notes. This song puts you into the world of LP – her voice, music and lyrics, the world of magic wonders that only few can create.
With When We’re High, Dreamer and When I’m Over You crowd is erupting, people are singing, dancing and enjoying the hell out of themselves. The time passes by very quickly, along with No Witness the stage is set on fire. It’s like my friend described it, LP band is awesome, Alex is handsome AF, he’s a wizzard of guitar, but all the air on stage takes LP.
You cannot take your eyes off her. And I’m pretty sure she knows and feels it. During this tour she dances and moves so freely around the stage, like I’ve never seen her before (in person). She oozes her femininity and sexiness and makes everyone in the crowd question their very own sexuality. She’s like a magnet, that you cannot resist and she proves it even more with her cover of “Sex on Fire”.
We’re all set off and ready to go. With Power and Die For Your Love, something magical happens to me. It’s like I feel those songs with such an intesity and with every fiber of my being. Those songs are truly exceptional and make me tear up. They make me feel alive even more. More than I’ve been in a very long time. Tightrope is a crowd favourite and it’s nice to hear it back again, though I would vote for other songs in that place.
One Night in The Sun once again creates magic on stage. LP’s voice is like 8th wonder of the world and yet again, you cannot take your eyes from her beautiful face. But that voice, that voice and the sound of ukulele. Is there anything more beautiful and soothing? But shortly after with Girls Go Wild, we are put into the familiar territory. Crowd once again is dancing and clapping.
When Recovery comes in, first the room is silent, but soon after people are joining in, singing (quietly and delicatly) along with LP. Before the song LP introduces Powers duo, including Mike Del Rio as the producer and co-writer of many of her songs. And then there’s time for House on Fire with Paint it Black medley.
LP starts it with a huge bang, crowd is jumping and shouting the words of the song, but just at almost very start of Paint it Black, the power is off, the band is stopping, LP is surprised but carries on along with her fans, we are trying twice, but the sound isn’t coming back. Band leaves the stage and we are wondering what on earth has just happpened.
Shortly after, LP returnes with Shaken, describing what happend as “fart in the car” but right with the very start I know that something is still off, I cannot hear guitar riffs and other musical details. And again, right after the second chorus, the power is off yet again! This time LP comes to the front row and spends her time with fans taking pics and signing autographs.
Then she dissapears, the time passes by and most people are sure they will have to cancel the rest of the show. I jokingly say, she’ll do it acousticly. Little did I know, but few moments later I’m seeing Connor with two chairs, acoustic guitar and LP’s uke. She comes back explaining that they will have to carry on the rest of the show unplugged. I didn’t get to hear Special, but I’m gaining something else.
Recently, hearing LP in such an intimate setting is a rarity. The shows and sound are growing bigger. But this, this feels like back to the basis, like going straight back to what brought me to LP in the first place. And let me tell you, it is something extra-ordinary. Not a single recording will give you the same exact emotions, but for a glimps of magic that we’ve experienced, head over to my YouTube.
We are hearing stunning version of Muddy Waters, playful Into The Wild, moving Switchblade and of course LP’s black horse, Lost On You. I am only cursing on my meds, because I cannot cry from happiness. Because I cannot truly take in what I’m experiencing. But I know it is extra important to me. It is something that I’ve needed very much for a long time. Thank you LP for that!
For not giving up, for carrying on despite the troubled waters, for being you. Like I wrote earlier: you don’t need any extra layers to your performances, because your voice, your personality, your lyrics and music takes it over above anything else. It’s more than enough. To tell the truth, it’s everything. And of course huge thanks to Alex for his beautiful guitar accompaniament.
After the show, I didn’t know what to do. I’ve met Mike and Crista again, who embraced me even warmer than earlier. My friends & I walked a bit through the city, but I’ve decided to come back to LP bus and to see what’s going on. The bus, cars were still there, so I waited, along with other people. Time passed by, it was getting colder, few people remained, but we’ve still waited.
After midgnight I saw a familiar figure. LP, first came to the barriers opposite from me. Again, she gave her time, smiles, autographs and pics. When she was about to enter the car, she realized that few people waited for her on the other side as well. She came to us, joked with French fans, and then she noticed me. She said, ahh you, so nice to see you again. Or something along those lines.
I opened my arms, and we’ve hugged. It was brief, but very much needed. I din’t ask for any pics, I just wanted to be able to say thank you in person. LP only asked where she will see me again, and off she went. With a feeling of mission completed I returned alone to the hostel. Alone, but in peace with myself and my feelings.
About Amsterdam, TBC…