LP arrived to Krasnodar on Monday, it was a free-from-the-show day for her and the band, and on the next day she has given a concert at The Palace of Sports Olimp, also known as Olimp Palace of Sport, Sports Palace Olimp and Olympus Arena. Before LP started her concert she asked (through translator), to dedicate a minute of silence for those who died in a devastating fire at a shopping mall in Siberia. Video of that moment was captured here and here.
LP also decided to start her concert with “Forever For Now“, and this was a perfect choice in such sad situation, especially that many people didn’t know wheter to go to the concert or even if the concert will take place. But, when tragedy strucks, I think it is better to unite & lean on each other… I think we are stronger when we are together, also music can definitely heal… Afterwards, many people commented how they were glad that they’ve decided to go to the concert and were in awe of LP’s compassion.
I have also few quotes for you. @aliandyen: “More than music, more than happiness… Thank you, @iamlpofficial for this amazing show. I can’t believe that few hours ago i heard your voice and held your hand. I really want to see you again.Thank you so much. Come back to Krasnodar, we will wait for you.?.” Victory (@viki_bibi): “Thank you so much @iamlpofficial you’re amazing!!! Thank you for being awesome! And thank you for the great show.”
Ksenia (@k.kosinets): “Thank you wonderful @iamlpofficial for this amazing concert❤️.” Ксения (@fkseniya): “@iamlpofficial love your voice? thanks.” Альбина (@_ruder_): “#LP thank you for last evening! You and other musicians are so professional! That music, that lyrics, that expression and emotions – thanks that all! I hope we will meet again in Krasnodar. See ya!” Masa (@svetlatag): “27.03.2018 LP in Krasnodar. It was great! Thank you for the Music!”
After the concert LP has met with one of her youngest Russian fans, Aliya, who also wants to be a musician and singer. It was the second meeting for Aliya, first one took place back in Spetember in Sochi, when LP opened New Wave contest. Also many fans waited for LP outside the venue. First she appeared in the window to huge applause of those who gathered. For video of that moment click here. When she was leaving the venue, she was serenaded with ‘Lost On You’. LP in her kindness, despite surely being tired, stayed and has given as many autographs, as she could. As evident in videos here & here.
I believe there was also some interview before the concert. But not sure if for the paper or as in video. I also have few links with photo-galleries, first one from Crocus City Hall is here. And two from St Petersburg, here & here. There’s also another interview with LP, however again dubbed in Russian, but I’ve gotten in touch with interviewer and they will also do an English version! For Russian one, click here. The English one should be ready tomorrow, maybe even today. LP will play her last concert of Russian Tour, on the 29th March in Sochi.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.