“Any artist who remains true to himself becomes a work of art himself, because that is one of the most difficult things to do” – Leonard Cohen. LP, you’ve made it. You’ve made it home… What a surreal experience last night must have been. It surely was for me, and I am still crying inside for many reasons. But you’ve truly made it. You’ve sold out a 1800 capacity venue in Brooklyn, New York, where for so many years you’ve tried to break through as an artist.
Photography Jacqueline Romano for Getty Images – picture posted with kind permission from photographer To view full gallery click here. Photographer’s website is here. |
They may’ve not known it back then, but they’ve finally recognized You as an artist. It was hard, leaving everything cause ‘You Want[ed] It All’. You worked hard, you didn’t give up and thank god for us, your fans. World would have been be a sad place without your music and your smile. Brooklyn Steel was full of love and admiration for you and totally in awe of your impressive vocal skills. Not to mention the incredible connection with the crowd. I think you’ve felt it too.
I will move on to the comments section since what’s better way to explain how it was than through the words of those who were lucky to witness you live! My friend, Nicole (@nicolelaurenaugenti): “Boo Boo is a bona fide rockstar – move over Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler. New guitarist is wonderful. She hits me in my soul, this one does —-> @iamlpofficial ❤ This Godly human @iamlpofficial live at Brooklyn Steele earlier tonight. New song #Recovery // Thank you for all the love, you knocked it out of the park tonight, LP. ❤❤??. Every day LP is in my life is a blessing. I love her more every time I see her. It safe to say I’m a fan and friend for life.”
Russel (@rustled): “Chills… The music that accompanied me for so many late night submissions, an FYP, and two heartbreaks… I never thought I’d hear you live @iamlpofficial … I’m so glad I did :).” Yameng (@amandag_oforit): “No one is better than she is!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤SHE IS SO FREAKING AMAZING AT EVERYTHING!!!!” Mi Ko (@mija__k): “LP = legit performer!!!” Elena (@elenagalluzzo): “LP concert in Brooklyn last was off the chain! LP & Brooklyn Rules!”
Hannah (@honeybee_han): “Went to an LP concert tonight with Lil and HOT DAMN I can’t even make up how insane each artist that performed was!! I’ve been shook to the core no joke. Luckily for everyone I’m too dead to go through all the pictures I took tonight so you’re all free from photo spam until tomorrow! ???.” Emery (@emery.ford): “Shows that make you feel everything.” Mahin (@mahin.siddiki): “LP concert ❤ She is lovee ❤.”
Olya (@olya_paliushik): “LP was sincere and it’s so visible how long she desired to get all of this.” Nate (@the1truegary): “I had never heard of @iamlpofficial before spontaneously seeing her show at @brooklynsteel tonight. What a fkn powerhouse evoker of a vocalist!! And a tight band to boot!!” Nicole (@ser_mylady): “LP in concert was amazing and worth the inevitable sleep deprivation during class in the morning.”
Julie (@julieintheory): “Hands down, the most incredible musical performance I’ve witnessed. @iamlpofficial, you are an astounding musician. ????.” Darber (@darb3r): “LP lights up the stage.” Savannah (@_rootsandwings): “LP is as just as incredible as I expected ❤.” Alexander (@alexanderpernhorst): “M A G I C she is, full of life and beautiful energy @iamlpofficial High on life she said, and thats what it is about !”
Photography DARBER (@darb3r via Instagram) – picture posted with kind permission. Photographer’s website here. |
Don’t call me Shirley (@DrewMartinphoto): “I’m glad I finally got to see @iamlp again and this time with a proper crowd, proper stage set up and just everything working amazingly. So proud. Definitely going to be reliving last night for a while.???.” Grumpy Wombat (@jwebbstevens): “@iamlp absolutely crushed it at @brooklynsteel tonight. What a voice! Belts out the rock ballads as from Olympus on high.”
Christopher (@cbrowneropera): “Six years I ago, I first heard @iamlpofficial, and ever since, she has been one of my few non-classical music obsessions. Her music has helped me through heartache and has been the music that I’ve turned to in moments of ecstasy. And last night, I finally saw her perform live at BrooklynSteel. I can’t find the words to express the joy she brought me with her incredible performance. What a voice; what a show; what an artist!”
Lisa (@TheOneTrueLisa): “Well, what can I say about last night? Brooklyn Steel is a large venue compared to what LP usually plays in the US. But it was completely packed with her hometown fans of all ages. Although she started playing “Recovery” several shows ago, this was my first time to hear it live and it was utterly beautiful. It brought the crowd to a compete standstill as we all stared rapturously at the stage. It was one concert moment that no one present will soon forget.” Lisa, thank you and safe travels to Boston!!
Jacqueline (@jackiesinlove): “I got to shoot one of my favs last night @iamlpofficial and the show was awesome. I swear she has angels strumming her vocal cords.” Couldn’t have said it better myself! And once again, thank you for letting me use your amazing photo! As for other news, Italy should be ready, LP will be with mini tour at the end of June. All info in ‘dates’ section. LP’s interview for Montréal en Lumière is up on Youtube, click here. Short but great!! While in New York LP visited Baeble HQ with an unpuggled session. Not sure if they will be posting video, but for pics click here. Video of ‘Girls Go Wild’ from NY can be found here. AND new record is coming, most likely in September!!! ?
Tonight LP will perform at the Royale Nightclub in Boston.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.