Hi everyone, sorry for delay, but both my mama and my niece had a birthday, so family came first. But now I was finally able to catch up on everything. First my own few impressions, even though I wasn’t in Budapest in person. I don’t know how you felt, but to me LP was really happy and touched. She oozed energy and sounded really great.
photo courtesy of @javidana_ – thank youThank you Bruna for streaming part of the LP concert, cause it reminded me of those early days, when we were starving for any glimps of LP, when she was doing a concert. And it felt nice. I also wanted to thank my friends who send me good vibes from Budapest, while I was still at work. It really touched me!
It was great to see all of you, and then to watch your experience and read your words. So here they are. @lp_fanclub_hungary: “Feeling: surrounded by your love. Tell me: missing you won’t last forever. Thank you for this unforgettable night LP and thank you for the memories. I will never understand what I did to deserve you. Seeing & listening to you again was everything I needed. Hungary loves you infinitely. Once again: you saved me.
Also, thank you again @nkukulska_lp for the company and everything. Laughing, singing & worrying together was one of the best thing I’ve ever experienced. I hope we will be able to do this again soon. Last but not least: thank you everyone for being so kind, i’m so glad we were finally able to meet in real life @nadezhdami13 and all the beautiful people from abroad.
photo courtesy of @vancska – thank youBtw i’m so proud of her, because her hungarian knowledge has improved a lot haha, she said “szeretlek, Budapest szeretlek” which means “I love you, Budapest I love you”+ after the intro she greeted us with “szia!” which is “hi!” @clara9november: “Thank you LP for your performance. I’m happy to see you in Budapest. Love from Italy.”
@davidschwartzofficial: “It was one of the most amazing concert experiences of my life!!!!!!! Thank you Koncert.hu and Budapest Park, thank you LP. Congratulations, You are the force of nature!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU.” @lena_bernath: “Two hearts on the floor. One mine. Both yours. Thank you for another unforgettable night LP.”
@martinarathmayr.austria: “Without words ❤ genius like always! THANK YOU SOOOO SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS INCREDIBLE CONZERT LP in Budapest Park!!! Exactly what we needed after such a long time!” @spriggslivia: “My god i love them so much. LP you gave your all… One of the best koncert experience! What an incredible voice… Ohh and happy birthday to my sweet Brigit.”
photo courtesy of @javidana_ – thank you@monicazurlo65lp: “A definitely amazing LP that exceeds all expectations! Happy to sing for her fans and super full of energy and love for all of us! An unforgettable concert!! … your voice and your music fills us with joy! The Budapest concert was amazing and you got in tune with our hearts! @miralux49: “Thank you LP for an incredible evening in Budapest Park. LP you’re the best.”
@ritaczirjak: “Dear LP, thank you for the great show and everything! And thank all of you very much! I wish I could have a pic with all of you 🙂 You are life changing and touched my heart:) You were great LP as always. Finally an artist who I Iike and is still alive 😀 I almost always love dead artists, for example Bowie, Lennon, Jim Morrison. You fit into the row, you are as big as them :)”
photo courtesy of @javidana_ – thank you@nkukulska_lp: “What an experience! Such a tremendous, breathtaking concert, thoroughly loved every single second of it. You were absolutely phenomenal LP. I’m pretty sure we looked deeply into each other’s eyes several times today. I could really feel the connection. Thank you LP.”
@zotyamtbxc: “Family convinced me to go for a concert of an artist who I never heard about before, then I was very surprised how a nice party we had together with LP.” @damemunk: “Traveling 1507 km for this little lady and I would do it any day… amazing concert with LP.” @dobos3589: “LP Such a voice! Such a feeling!”
Thanks to everyone who shared photos, videos and words! Without you it would be really hard to create a post. LP also did an interview for MusicDaily, I will post link once it will be online. And one more thing. European fans may not be as wild as in some other countries, we may be a bit more tamed, but our love for LP is all over our faces, which LP knows so well. And I’m just really happy for everyone who could be part of this magic again, after such a long time.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.