Photos in a gallery by Francesca Fiorini Mattei (@frannola) for Lost In Groove
posted with kind permission from photographer. Source.
Very quick entry on LP’s performance at INmusic Festival from 26th June. Haven’t seen many quotes but the ones I found I included in my post. From what I have seen LP had a great audience who enjoyed her show very much. LP added new cover to the setlist, she is doing ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ by AC/DC in its true rock’n’roll spirit!! For short video click here. I’ve heard it in Bratislava and I was floored!!
@ninabuddenhair: “OMG LP!!!! It happened! My teenage angst inner voice screamed at least 10 times today and I am not into idol worshipping… (not counting Bowie in)… can’t explain! She is special and hope the fame and fortune doesn’t spoil her! She has a fab girlfriend and super cute dog and all her crew looks down to earth so… I did loose my voice fully to Robert Smith though but she would approve. LP, you are a diamond, thank you!”

Foto: Julien Duval courtesy of INmusic Festival
@instabriciolo: LP. How can I describe such an incredible singer?” @svibor_: “Yesterday I had an opportunity to meet the amazing LP. The show was awesome! Such a cool person and fantastic singer.” @hes_in_fashion: “LP was brilliant!” @klaaaxx: “LP was banging and her voice was just so fucking stuning :).” “Daaamn LP.”

Foto: Filip Bušić courtesy of INmusic Festival
@idiotkinja: “Thanks to LP for the best show I have seen in a while, you’re a legend!” And here’s quote from wonderful review by Sound Report (translated with help of Google translator): “An hour and a half is too short to enjoy the charismatic LP. It was truly enjoyable to experience her and her sincere smiles. She communicates with the audience as those would be her friends.”
“This fact is being confirmed when after completing the concert she dropped out of the stage and spent 10-15 minutes with her fans and was giving autographs. LP is a real deal, emotional, specific and at the same time gentle and wild. It was nice to finally hear her live.” For full review click here. Gallery of photos for INmusic festival is here. More photos by Sound Report is here. Another stunning gallery is here.

Foto: Teo Letnić courtesy of INmusic Festival
Review of LP’s concert in Romania can be found here, full gallery of photos, here. Gallery by is here. And one more interview with LP from her time in Romania was just released, click here.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.