I’ve been dreading to write about this concert for almost a year, not because it was bad or something, it was actually really great… It’s just a reminder of a really painful time. At the end of May 2018 my cat got really sick, it was horrible, cause my girl got an epilepsy completely out of the blue. I spent 3 months fighting for her life, but in the end our fight was lost.
That’s also why I wasn’t able to go to more shows that past Summer. I only saw two, one in Prague and the other one in Ludwisburg. That second one was a gift from my dear friend, if not her I wouldn’t be able to go. I left my cat with my mom for about 3 days thinking it’s getting better, but after I got back, it turned out she’s gotten even worse, so I put all my energy into our fight.
I did manage to write all the other posts, but somehow that one about Ludwisburg couldn’t come out of me. I lost my cat a month later. Afterwards I’ve had a really dark period in my life, I wrote a bit about it in my earlier posts. And then I totally lost all my will to write about the one happy time I’ve got to spend during that Summer.
But now, the time has passed, I’m in a slightly better place than I used to be, so I’ll try to recall that concert in my memories. What I remember most about it, is that it was really hot. I remember that at one point I event went to the balcony section, thinking there will be some air to breathe, but actually it was even worse. So somehow I’ve made my way back to the front row.
That concert was without barriers separating us from the stage. I was standing opposite LP. I’ve seen her perfectly for the entire set, and if I was boiling hot, then poor her must have been cooked before the end of the show. But despite that, she stayed on stage after she ended her set and was giving autographs and smiles for more than 1o minutes. I was staring at her in total admiration, without being able to say a single word.
But back to the concert, I don’t remember it all. What I do remember is weeping during the entire ‘Levitator’, I just couldn’t stop. Because of its lyrics, because of LP’s voice, because of the pain in my heart, because LP is my levitator, and I knew it’s the last time (for now) I’m seeing her and I knew we wouldn’t see each other for quite a bit.
Then during ‘Muddy Waters’ funny thing happened. LP was doing her move with that awesome tambourine, and since there were no barriers we could totally reach it. And at one point it’s like I stopped thinking and I just grabbed it. It was only for a second, and I was delicate, but I also remember LP staring right into my eyes and shaking her head. (video below courtesy of @lp_czech_official).
I got scared like a child that just did some very bad thing and I immediately released it from my grip. I’ve got sad that LP got angry with me or something, but some time later, when I saw a video from that moment, it turned out that LP actually later smiled about it. So I was relieved. I still joke that I touched a relic. I adore this tambourine, even though LP beats the shit out of it lately and it’s barely hanging on 🙂
Other songs that are saved into my memory: ‘Into The Wild’, I just love this song, and will never get tired of listening to it, especially live. Same about ‘Strange’. Then the rarity, ‘Death Valley’ and ‘No Witness’ obviously. And the cherry on top of that tour, ‘Free to Love’. It’s one of my favourite songs ever, and I never thought I will hear it live, since it’s from ‘Forever For Now’ record.
But that past Summer, to my amazement, LP brought it back, and it was a pure joy to sing it along. One of the most uplifting songs ever written, thank you LP for that. So all in all, incredible experience which just happened to be in a sad point in my life. That’s why I couldn’t take it in fully back then, and probably never will, but that’s life…
PS. On a funnier note, whoever thought that an opening act that played that day will be a match for LP, must have been seriously impaired. It was a total disaster. Those who’ve seen that duo, I’m sure can totally relate…

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.