We received an unexpected present from LP’s Italian label Energy: we were able to attend the TV program “Che Tempo Che Fa” by the Italian national channel RAI 1, during the performance of our beloved LP. We had to manage many restrictions (and polemics afterwards), but we were able to make happy 15 other fans and that is the only thing that counts.
Here is our report. We give our IDs first and then, very excited, we enter into a blue studio full of cameras. Once we are sitted, a coach starts to give some instructions about the audience rules. After a few minutes, there SHE is. With her super cool red jacket LP enters the studio. Seeing her in front of us, so beautiful, is a blast.
Her Girls Go Wild is ready to conquer millions of Italians and we feel very proud of her. Three years ago, there she was with Lost On You and now she is back, stronger than ever, our Star. The host, Mr. Fabio Fazio, announces all the success of visualizations and streaming of Lost on You and introduces LP’s latest album ‘Heart to Mouth’ and her new single “Girls Go Wild”.
The music starts, then we hear her voice. We sing with her, waving our flag, hoping it never ends. Instead it’s over very soon and the host asks LP some questions. He remembers that 3 years ago he wished her a good “navigation” and now he realizes that she is still navigating (under the full sail we should add!).
Seeing that her whistle is still present in her music, he pleases LP by playing her a famous Ennio Morricone whistle. Then he asks a question about her songwriting for other famous artists and it is time to say goodbye. After the show, thanks to her Italian label, we can greet LP at the backstage. We want to come with all the fans, but we are allowed to introduce just one fan, in addition to us from the staff.
Somehow, the rest of the fans reaches a corner and LP greets them as well. We are all so happy! Since it happened right after the “tambourine went missing”, the desire of every LP fan was to buy her a new one, so we decided to open a fundraising and in less than 2 days we raised an unbelievable sum of 620,00 EURO.
But when LP asks us very gently not to buy it, then we are turning all this amount into a donation to “Differenza Donna” an association formed in Rome on 6th March 1989 with the goal of exposing, combating, preventing and overcoming gender-based violence. We are using this occasion to give LP a symbolic tambo and information about the donation and she is very happy.
With the happiness in our hearts, we are finishing our evening by having dinner together in the name of LP. Thank you girls so much for this wonderful report and for being able to make other LP fans happy as well! You’re doing a fabulous job in representing LP in Italy.

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.