Today, very early in the morning hours (for Europe), LP performed a live-streamed concert via a relatively new service, Bandsintown Plus. It’s a first-of-its-kind live music streaming subscription service that was launched in January. For just $9.99 a month fans get an “All Access Pass” to more than 25 exclusive live shows every month.
print screen of the videoEach month’s lineup includes a carefully curated and eclectic mix of emerging artists along with established pioneers in the industry. Members are also entitled to special perks, like intimate chats with artists and access to sought-after concerts on other platforms. This service is currently only available in the USA.

Fabrice Sergent, Managing Partner of Bandsintown:
“For the past year, we’ve been hungry for live shows and for a chance to support the artists we love. Bandsintown PLUS is an opportunity to break the barriers of cost and location that have historically hindered live music experiences. Touring artists have been economically ravaged by Covid-19’s restrictions. Bandsintown PLUS is a chance to help innovate the industry, creating new sources of revenue for artists, while deepening connections with their fans”.
Bandsintown PLUS also announced literally just few days ago, that they will now add pay-per-view and replays of selected shows. Sadly for now LP is not included.

And now, after such long introduction, let’s get back to business. First of all, since I am in Poland (it’s in Europe for those who don’t care much about geography), I was devastated to not be able to watch it. However, my dear friends of LPeople Italia, who have relatives in LA made it possible for me, only so I could write something for you!

So, huge thank you for that!! And I must say, the concert was extra-ordinary. Each time when I think LP cannot top her game, she returns with a bigger bang than ever. This concert was different from everything I have ever seen. LP sounded like never before.

I guess since it was streamed from a recording studio (Valentine Recording Studios) by a selected team, it added something extra to the quality of sound – so guys, big thank you for that! LP was accompanied by the band: Alex Feder on guitar, Brian Stanley on bass, Neal Daniels on drums and a new addition to LP’s team – Michael Wooten on keys.
photo shared by @tittttttttty via Insta-storyLet’s start with a hot substitute teacher, Alex Feder, I don’t think there ever was a better fit for LP than him. Apart from maybe Tim Fagan, for whom I still have a soft spot, even though I’ve never seen him live with LP. Anyways, Alex is a wizzard and his guitar skills are beyond any expectations.
photo shared by @tittttttttty via Insta-storyEach member of the band was brilliant, but I must say Michael Wooten surprised me in a very good way. I loved the addition of real piano in some of the songs, or the sound of organ in “Muddy Waters”. So his addition is another win for team LP.
1. When We’re High
2. Girls Go Wild
3. One Last Time
4. Dreamer
5. The One That You Love
6. How Low Can You Go
7. Switchblade
8. Other People
9. Muddy Waters
10. Into The Wild
11. Lost On You
And LP, dear LP. Someone who keeps inspiring me every day for more than 5 years now. LP, if you’ll read it, you were a pure perfection. I know you always aspire to sound even better than on a record, but what you did here just blew my mind. Each note was on point but at the same time, your performance wasn’t cut from a familiar frame, it was beautiful and very moving.

I will whine yet again, that “One Night In The Sun” didn’t make the set-list cut, but Switchblade, Into the Wild And Muddy Waters filled the void. Also, can anyone else sound more sweeter when singing, ‘well now go fuck yourself with other people’ than LP? Rhetorical question…

And now for the new songs. I think it was the best live performance of “The One That You Love” for LP so far. This is a beast of a song, it’s extra-hard to sing it live and it took a tiny bit of time for LP to find the way to fully deliver it, but now she has mastered it to perfection!

“How Low Can You Go” is still giving me soothy vibes, I adore it, and that extra “Ahhh”. Ahhh, ahhh. Just beautiful. And the premiere of “One Last Time” – the guitar, the piano, the chorus and a sweetness of LP’s voice. There’s no better remedy for my doubts and fears.

“Switchblade” cut me to million pieces yet again and “Muddy Waters” did the trick as always. Not to mention “Into The Wild” – a song I will never get tired of listening… This trio of songs is a perfection in itself. I so wish I would be better equipped in the English language and writing in general, only so I could give even bigger justice to the wonder that LP is. But I will never stop to keep on trying as LP deserves only the best.

I also wanted to include here a quote by a fellow Polish LP-fan.
Natalia (@nkukulska_lp): “It is extremely rare to find artists that not only sound exactly the same as their tracks but also have the talent to make the live sound even better. Your performance for Bandsintown was beyond expectations. Your voice, your presence and all the emotions you put into each song that were so real that I had the chills from beginning to end. Absolutely phenomenal. Thank you LP 🖤 Ohh, and this suit!!”
Also big, huge thank you to Natalia for providing me with all of your awesome screen-shots of the concert & interview!! They helped me a lot with putting this blog post!
Additionally, I do beg Bandsintown, LP & her managment to make this concert available to everyone. It’s a must-see for every LP-fan and for every person who is only discovering her as an artist. Her 2015 live sessions were a perfect introduction, the 2011 show from Eastwest studios too, but this one has joined my ‘top three’ now as well!

After the concert that finished with a song that made it all posssible – “Lost On You”, LP attended a Q&A with her fans hosted by Novena Carmel. Another lovely interview with LP gracious as ever. I love how she always makes her answers real, unrehearsed, fresh and unfiltered. She speaks her mind and it’s a rare gift.

I’m sorry for every one that wasn’t able to watch it, but I will keep on hoping that we will all get to see it at some point as it’s a treat. For now, there’s a shorter performance LP did yesterday as well for WXPN Radio. It was a very early show for LP – early as in the morning time and LP rather ‘hates’ to perform so early.
print screen of the videoShe even joked at some point, that she will have a great day as soon as her performance will be over” 🙂 But that one is available to everyone everywhere for free, so just click here and enjoy it nevertheless!
PS. Sorry for not being so active on social media recently and that my posts aren’t as early and frequent as usually, but it’s been a hectic time at my regular work and it’s often hard for me to make it all run smoothly, but I will keep on going. As I love what I do, I love this community, for the most part; and I do love LP!