After quick vacation in Costa Rica, yesterday (26th August), LP was back at work. She took part in ‘On Tap with KBCO Presents’, along with Leon Bridges, Magic Giant & Brent Cowles. Money raised during this event will go to Project C.U.R.E. – the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries around the world. Radio 97.3 KBCO presented its second annual On Tap with KBCO Series that took place at Breckenridge Brewery in Littleton, CO.
Today, Jackie DeLaGarza will share her story, how she got to know LP’s music and why her music is so important to her. Jackie was also at yesterday’s concert so she has written a bit about it too. Jackie: “One night my wife Adelita and I were watching a late night talk show. And there LP was singing “Lost on You” and we were so amazed. We started googling her and listening to all her songs. We would go for drives just listening to her. It was just what we needed to bring us closer”.
“It was the first time we had a singer that we both truly loved. Don’t get me wrong we enjoy a lot of singers but none like this. It was a different connection. A much needed connection. I looked at her tour line up and was shocked to see her coming Littleton CO. OMG that is like 45 minutes away. I called the Breckenridge Brewery and I was so sad to find out it was a sold out venue. So I started E-mailing and calling Breckenridge not to mention tweeting them. They told me that in July they were going to give away tickets”.
“By this time it’s August and I’m scared I missed the give away somehow. I stocked them like I never stocked anyone. I had to win tickets. I wanted to surprise Adelita. So there I am taking pictures all over Colorado Springs with Breckenridge beer in the jeep so I could take the best picture. A winning picture worthy to win LP tickets. I took pictures of Adelita under the car drinking a beer. It didn’t win but it was an incredible picture”.
“Then one day I’m at work when I get a text from Breckenridge that I won tickets. They picked a picture I had taken of us camping and BBQing. I’m in tears and I call Adelita. She is all scared because I can’t stop crying enough to tell her. Somehow I get it out and I start planning the perfect getaway. We have spent Friday in Denver and it was magical. Then we get ready and I’m so anxious that we are in the parking lot waiting for the shuttle to take us to Breckenridge… LOL it was so funny because our bus was called “Boogie Bus” with rainbow seats”.
“We get there an hour early and Adelita was so patient. At 12:30 they let us in and I’m first in line. And sprint to the stage. To wait for LP. 5 hours later and meeting a few new friends. She appears. I’m so upset my phone died. And I’m on the verge of tears Adelita hands me her phone and I get to tape both video and pictures. It’s amazing. She is amazing. Her voice to see live is so unreal. She was 5 feet in front of us. Didn’t even care that I got so burned that a kinda look like a lobster. Lol it was so worth it. Adelita and I both singing with LP. Unbelievable. Thank you for letting me tell you My story. Love Jackie DeLaGarza”.
Thank you Jackie for sharing your story. Like I mentioned yesterday, LP is extraordinary and she does bring people together. That’s all for now. Next concert will be on the 2nd Sptember with Live on the Green Music Festival in Nashville. Afterwards, LP will return to Europe for a week or so. Also, I have written down lyrics to 2 new songs of LP + ‘Road to Ruin’ – but this song is mega-tricky, you will find those at my Instagram (@lp_blog_pl).

Anna from Poland. I have been a blogger for a long time, but more in a royal field. Since 'meeting' LP through her music and as a person, a lot has changed. If I'm not working on my blog, I work as a teacher. I love to travel, read & dance. I sing & play uke when no one listens. Music was always a big part of my life.